Anyways, back to visiting said future high school, this girl that has a 'questionable' reputation, ended up hanging out with my in line today. She is dropping choir because her boyfriend doesn't want her to take it. And here comes the best part, her boyfriend doesn't even go to our school. It was almost like a surreal moment. Who does that? I mean, come on, we're in the twenty-FIRST century. They bitched all last century about how women can't vote and how women couldn't hold a job and how women couldn't do anything better the men according to, of course, men. And then, when we're finally allowed to do whatever the hell we want, some 14 year old insecure slut decides to set modern society back like 20 years? Way to go.
In addition to this, my super popular, super insecure best guy friend is talking about how he doesn't want to be the boy that makes any girl like that. But, isn't this the same guy that was willing to change his entire personality to get people to like him? The same guy that wanted to be the one that was 'remembered' out of all the other people. This is all he wants. He wants his friends to worship the ground he walks on. And any time someone gets an extra friend, he goes ballistic. And his excuse is that he's 'an attention whore.' Great, and he's not really doing anything to change that, even better.
Hm, day 1 in high school. Meeting all the people who think they're way to good to be there with us commoners. Then there are the girls who want to be the future 'Libby Chestler's of school, you can see them walking around trying to get tips on how to act like you don't care. It's a very reassuring thing, that in an environment when sex, drugs, and rock and roll is all on someone's mind, that I'm suppose to get through 3 honors classes, 2 music classes, and p.e., in addition to volunteer work, and other school things, can't wait.
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